Our Favorite Proposal Photos from Real Couples Who Just Got Engaged

2017 is off to a great start! And with proposal season in full swing, what better way is there for couples to “ring” in the new year? With a marriage proposal, of course! We seriously can’t get enough of seeing all the newly engaged couples pop up in our Instagram feed. These are the cutest photos ever —  we just had to hear the proposal stories too! So here’s our round-up of our favorite proposal photos and stories from couples who recently got engaged. Want to share your photo from your own marriage proposal with us? Be sure to tag @brides and #BridesProposals on Instagram for your chance to be featured. Now, onto the proposals!

“5..4…3…2…1… Happy New Year! After our New Years kiss Carlos takes me to the front of my mother’s house. He explains that he has a surprise for my parents. He then grabs my hand as we walk to the back of the house. As I’m walking I’m looking down because my heels are sinking into the grass…. I look up to notice everyone with balloons and sparklers, and in lights on my parents’ fence the words “Marry Me”…. of course I said yes!” — Krystle Vega

“We decided to go to Florida and visit our families for Christmas vacation. We had plans to have a family dinner, but when his mother called to cancel on us… well let’s say I wasn’t in the best of mood after that. We ate dinner just the two of us and planned on watching the Disney fireworks outside of the restaurant. Even after all my sass and attitude he still got down on one knee and asked me the greatest question of my life! Long story short, his family was hiding in the bushes!” — Amber Sabo

“Dave and I spent most of the past decade always missing each other — between unrequited feelings for one another and bad timing, we were always crossing a bridge but never together. After three years of finally dating, we embarked on a cross-country road trip during our move back east. We saw breathtaking sights, but my favorite was Dave’s surprise stop — the Denver Botanic Gardens. There, he got down on one knee on a lit-up bridge and asked me to cross it as his future wife.” — Eva Wasko

“Jan 1, 2017— It was my modern fairy tail. As I admired the Dallas skyline from a rooftop restaurant, Daylen pulled out his first plane ticket to Michigan for our first date. He had been saving it for eight months! As he says “I knew you would be my wife after that trip”. Yes, I cried the happiest tears. That was the best New Year’s Day ever!” — Alexandria Aleman

“So we have been dating six years, since high school and all through college together. We were at my family Christmas celebration doing our annual white elephant. Marcus was going over the rules of the game and then jumped down and got on one knee. He then said, “Camille Dianne, will you marry me?” I was in complete shock and said ‘what!?’ about 7 times while ugly crying. After a few minutes I finally got a “YES!!” out.” — Camille Dianne

“My fiancé and I had been dating for three years before he proposed (we actually met on Tinder). We had already been living together for a little over two years so I was hoping it was coming soon! My parents and sister were in on the whole thing. On Christmas Eve my fiancé brought me to my parents’ house where I grew up and asked me to marry him with candles all around. Picture Chandler proposing to Monika. It was the perfect proposal, I wouldn’t change a thing!” — Erin Catherine Anne

“The two of us spent a lovely, snowy evening skating at Nathan Phillips Square. As we stepped off the ice, the love of my life got down on one knee. I looked up to find a crowd of our loved ones had appeared from behind the “TORONTO” sign. We’ve been together for years and have two beautiful children. He’s my best friend! Of course I agreed to spend the rest of my life with him.” — Cindy

“On New Year’s Eve, I arrived at the Beverly Hills, South Africa for a surprise photo shoot. After a late lunch following the shoot, my hand was unexpectedly taken and lead to another surprise location. Before I caught my breath, he took my hand and whispered “this is it.” He knelt down on one knee and said ‘you are my everything, will you marry me?'” — Bianca Lee Norman
