Top Ten No No’s to Avoid the Cheesey Wedding

  1. Dry Ice on the Dance Floor  – while the idea might sound like fun ambience, the reality is that it will feel like a 1987 Queensryche concert
  2. Stretch Hummers – sure it’s nice to be different, but your wedding party should only be exiting these  in countries at war
  3. Groomsmen Cumberbuns – no need to resuscitate a 1980’s high school prom
  4. Mix CD Favors – the only audience for these are 14 year old girlfriends
  5. Pocket Watch Grooms Party Gifts – while it might sound classy to go Victorian age, they will never be used unless you have Sherlock Holmes in your party
  6. French Manicures – This will see major heat given their popularity, but there is nothing stylish about painting on fake tips.  Hello Jersey Shore. 
  7. Bagpipers – unless you are pure Scottish royalty, men in kilts need not be
  8. Ups and Downs Between the Sheets – may no best man ever use this phrase again
  9. Marryoke – while I’m a sucker for some good karaoke, not sure it belongs within matrimony
  10. Tattoos – anything involving, whether it be wedding bands, matching, exposed.  Put them away.