bethbjeweled broken_english celeandclio hodboutique3 jenngandia4 karrisoph satine_julia suzannekalan ylang23

{from top to bottom:

bethbjeweled snapped this photo while at the NY Antique Show, modern mixed with antique

Broken English showing how pieces by Lito can look so cool worn all together

Cele and Clio have this amazing showstopper ring in their collection, love it

these evil eye rings from Hod Boutique are calling my name

Jennifer Gandia of Greenwich Jewelers & her personal collection, both antique & pieces from designers she sells

Karrisoph and her incredible serpent ring collection

Satine_Julia with a new shipment of Shay Fine Jewelry

Suzanne Kalan wearing some one-of-a-kind opal ring designs she created for clients

Ylang23 stacked up to perfection–diamonds and mixed metals }