beppecallegari necessaryexcess staciehess IMG_0547 catbirdnyc facetsfinejewelry flowerstargems katierowlanduk finnjewelry

{from top to bottom:

Roberto Callegari awesome skull ring with black diamonds

Instagrammer: NecessaryExcess wearing Jemma Wynne #swoon

Instagrammer: StacieHess wearing a cool combo of a band, princess cut solitaire & sapphire dome ring

ring TWO and ring FOUR from my Gem Gossip Jewelry line

some antique mixed with CatbirdNYC looking lovely

the assortment of gems found at Facets Fine Jewelry

my friend Flower who works at Star Gems with her ring collection

Katie Rowland Jewellery, the circe deco ring really caught my attention

sparkle city from Finn Jewelry–knot rings in diamonds and sapphires!}