B2CJewels Review

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If there are hundreds of online jewelry stores, how do you identify the most reputable retailers? Independent reviews would probably be your starting point when looking for one and that’s probably the reason why you landed on this webpage.

This is a review of B2CJewels.com; a company dealing in online jewelry. B2CJewels is popular for its wide range of loose diamonds but does that alone make it standout from the crowd? Let’s find out from the following review…

B2CJewels.com’s Product Range

b2cjewels review

Thumbnail of B2CJewels

If you’re looking for a place to buy diamond jewelry, you cannot miss checking them out. With a huge collection and database, B2CJewels.com is comparable to some of the other big jewelry outfits online, among others like Blue Nile, James Allen, etc.

As of 2011, B2CJewels.com had over 70,000 pieces of diamond in its collection. While you may not find a huge inventory of fancy shapes as you’ll find at other exotic stores, their range of loose diamonds is very impressive. Their size range is almost unrivaled and bargain hunters will be pleased with the humble but important selection of smaller diamond pieces.

There’s also a service that allows customers to make their own designs for earrings, pendants and rings. For rings, B2C Jewels offers preset pieces for wedding and engagement. Generally speaking, their product range is notable and is comparable to the competition.

Search Tool For Finding Diamonds

When you have an enormously huge array of products at your online store, a reliable search tool is a must, and their search tool doesn’t disappoint.

b2cjewels review

The graphical search tool for narrowing down choices based on criteria.

To make a search, you specify the shape of the diamond you’re looking for and you could then narrow down your search by specifying different criteria, such as grading certificates, price range, etc. Search results are then returned in a chart format, with an extra feature of including columns or removing them. In addition, you can sort your results and narrow down further with one or more of your search criteria.

advanced features of diamond finder

It’s important to learn how to use the advanced features

Checking the Jewelry Purchases

Wherever you purchase jewelry from, you want to carefully check and be sure of what you’re buying before committing to a purchase. For most people, I know this is a problem when it comes buying jewelry online. Sadly, like most other Internet vendors, B2C Jewels do not readily provide photographs or videos of diamonds listed on their website.

The closest picture of a diamond listing you can find on the website is a generic stock photo sample and nothing more. While this is a huge shortfall in terms of service levels, they make it up by offering some of the best prices you can find anywhere else.

Also, what’s really cool is that they offer different views of a computer generated diamond and even simulate how the rings would look like on your hands. Speaking from personal experience, you get EXACTLY what you see on their website when it comes to engagement ring settings.

hand simulation with different sized diamond ring

Click this link to view the ring on B2CJewels



B2CJewels Review – Be Prepared to Do Some Research

While the setting designs do live up to the expectations set on their website, choosing a great diamond based on their online inventory isn’t a walk in the park. **Unless you have some experience or you are somewhat knowledgeable in selecting diamonds, B2CJewels.com could be a potential minefield to making bad decisions.

You can avoid the lengthy filtering process of finding a well-cut diamond by heading to Whiteflash and Brian Gavin. Their signature diamonds have the best optical performance in the industry and are far better places for beginners to buy diamonds than at B2CJewels.com.

With that said, if the slightly lower prices are tempting and you are willing to do a little legwork to put in effort on researching your purchase, you can still end up with a great diamond. More importantly, you should make use of all the resources available to you. For example, if there’s anything that you are unsure about, get in touch with their customer support to get your questions answered.

I actually did one of my own purchases at B2CJewels to find out first-hand how their service measures up. Frankly speaking, the only reason why I went ahead with the purchase was based on my knowledge in choosing diamonds. Even then, I was still taking a calculated risk which I wouldn’t have if there were other options available.

Find out how their service matches up on the next page as I go into more details about my experience…

