Victoriana Inspires Future Jewellery Trends

We are just coming to the end of an 10 week long project for Adorn Insight where we batten down the hatches and consolidate all our trend and market intelligence analysis to create our bi-annual trend report for our subscribers. With the end in sight some of my favourite pastimes start to kick in again such as having the time to browse through the jewellery on Istdibs, a site dedicated to luxury and only the finest jewellery and other objets d’art from decades past.

Earlier this week, whilst browsing the site, I was struck by the extraordinary selection of Victorian bangles. Not only are they beautiful in detail and silhouette but it’s clear that Victoriana is having a powerful influence on future jewellery trends.

If you’re in the industry and what to know more, our Adorn Insight reports go into a lot more depth about the hows and whys of this Victoriana jewellery trend. For the rest our our jewellery-loving audience, simply enjoy feasting your eyes on these striking finds…
gold-victorian-double-cuff-adorn-london---jewelry-blogImages: 1stdibs
Words: Juliet Hutton-Squire

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